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guava benefit. (manfaat jambu biji)

Guava is one of the most popular fruit in Indonesia and very easy to be found. Some important content in guava like vitamin and mineral can make healthy Your body. Even guava have vitamin content of C high.

Following is some guava benefit for the health of body:

Improving body immunity
 guava is fruit capable to improve system impenetrability of Your body. Because pregnant guava of vitamin of C high which can prevent Your body from attack various disease

Anti tumor and anti inflammation Obstetrical of lycopene in useful guave as vitamin of anti inflamasi and prevent growth of tumor 

Preventing cancer
Because pregnant guava of Iihat vitamin of antioksidan that is and flavonid of fitonutrien, hence this effective fruit to prevent cancer. Obstetrical of vitamin of C high dose in it useful also to neutralize free radical of cause of cancer.

 Taking care of blood pressure
 Guava have marvellous benefit to take care of blood pressure. Because pregnant guava of worthwhile potassium to protect Your body from influence of eksternal which can destroy health of blood pressure

Preventing penuaan early
 Content Iihat vitamin of antioksidan high in guava can neutralize free radical and prevent the happening of oksidatif stres cause of penuaan early.

Good to patient of diabetes
 Obstetrical of fibre in functioning guava as natural drug to patient of diabetes. Besides medically, this proven fruit also to prevent sugar to gambol.

Making healthy husk
 Pregnant guava of vitamin of A, important nutrisi to increase health of husk. This useful fruit also to release antioksidan which can make Your husk seen fresh return.

Supporting health of eye
 Obstetrical of vitamin of A in guava again can prevent eye infection and disease of eye.

Improving digestive system
 content of Lycopene in guava very good in assisting to improve digestive health.

Adding the amount of blood
 Pregnant guava [of] vitamin of E, K, folat, niasain, manganese, copper, magnesium, and acid of panthothenic where useful altogether to add red blood count of You

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guava benefit. (manfaat jambu biji)